On December 20, 1814, General William Carroll, along with some 1,400 civilian soldiers, a flotilla of flatboats, barges, and rafts, landed at the Macarty Plantation nearly six miles above the city of New Orleans. The men camped and trained upon this land for a few days before General Andrew Jackson called the militia into action at the Chalmette Battlefield.
The American victory against the much bigger and formidable British Army on January 8, 1815, was an astonishing triumph that was still well remembered when the town of Carrollton was conceived. In 1831, wealthy investors began to form plans to purchase and subdivide the Macarty Plantation for their new suburban town and to build the New Basin Canal.
The town was given the name Carrollton in honor of General William Carroll whose troops fought near the center of the line at the Battle of New Orleans.

Barthelemy Macarty sold his interest of the family land to Bernard Marigny and Samuel Kohn. The sale was for what is currently known as the Carrollton neighborhood bounded by modern day Lowerline Street, the Mississippi River, Monticello Street and the I-10.
Bernard Marigny sold four-fifths of his interest to Battle of New Orleans veteran and planter Laurent Millaudon and one-fifth to attorney John Slidell.
April 30, 1831
September 2, 1831
December 19, 1831
Elenore Mirtile Macarty Lanusse sold her interest in the family land, which extended from the modern day I-10 to Lake Pontchartrain to the New Orleans Canal & Banking Company headed by Beverly Chew and Maunsel White. Both men were veterans of the Battle of New Orleans. The purpose of the purchase was to build the New Basin Canal from the American Sector downtown to the Lake.
April 16,1833
German born architect and civil engineer Charles Zimpel completed the first map of Carrollton. This date is considered the official founding of Carrollton. Zimpel Street was later named in his honor.
May 1, 1833
Parcels of the town were first sold by auction at the New Exchange Coffee House to few buyers. The town was not easily accessible and most of it was unimproved wilderness and swamp. Much of the town remained in the hands of the initial investors. The official records of the sales were later lost in a fire along with Zimpel's first map of which no known reproductions survive.
A 25-foot high levee was constructed at First Street (St. Charles Ave.) and the levee, which was an enormous undertaking at the time.
February 9, 1833
The New Orleans & Carrollton Railroad Co. was incorporated. Charter members included Carrollton founders John Slidell and Laurent Millaudon. Charles Zimpel was the surveyor of the route. This was the origin of today's St. Charles Streetcar Line and the ride was twenty-five cents.
March 1834
Charles Zimpel published Topographical Map of New Orleans and its Vicinity, which included a map of Carrollton and survives as the first comprehensive street map of what would someday become the whole of New Orleans and the metro area.
The N. O. & C. R. R. Co. began building the Carrollton Hotel & Gardens, which became the main attraction in Carrollton for people seeking escape from the city. It was completed in 1836. The world-famous gardens were planted by German immigrants Charles Haaff and Francis Schuler.
February 1835
Carrollton's first railroad depot began construction with plans designed by Charles Zimpel. It was likely a simple wood building erected on Dublin and First (St. Charles Avenue). Due to the moving of the River levee in the early 1890's, only a small corner of the block where it stood survives today.
September 26, 1835
The railroad to Carrollton was completed and the first trip between Carrollton and New Orleans was made. The first two engines were named the Carrollton and the New Orleans. Carrollton real estate sales along the River began to soar.
The first dry goods store in Carrollton was opened by Christian Winter at the corner of Monroe and Zimpel Streets. Solomon Cohn established Carrollton's first business of industry, a ropewalk on Cambronne between the levee and Second Street (Maple). The first brick house in Carrollton was erected for Louis Courval. A number of residences commissioned by the railroad company were erected by carpenter Rochus Kollman situated on the west side of Dublin Street, near Hampson.
October 3, 1838
Fire destroyed the railroad depot that included blacksmith and carpenter shops, a bar, and a billiard room. A new one was built of brick the following year.
The New Basin Canal was completed by the New Orleans Canal & Banking Company. The Canal lost its importance after the Industrial Canal opened in 1923. Today, only a half-mile-long stretch at the lakefront by the lighthouse exits. On November 4, 1990 the Irish Cultural Society of New Orleans dedicated a large marble Celtic cross in the West End Park to commemorate the 8,000 to 20,000 Irish workers who lost their lives constructing the canal.
George Merrick resigned as Chief Engineer of N. O. & C. R. R. Co and appointed English railroad man John Hampson in his place.
On the 25th anniversary of the Battle of New Orleans, former president General Andrew Jackson landed at the Carrollton wharf aboard the steamer Vicksburg and was met by an immense crowd. The next day, he traveled to New Orleans by railroad to lay the corner stone of what would become Jackson Square in the French Quarter commemorating the victory over the British.
The Carrollton Hotel Burned down and was rebuilt by May. The hotel and its gardens were demolished in November of 1891 to make way for a new River levee.
"This [Carrollton Hotel & Gardens] is about the most agreeable place to visit of an evening, that we know of. The cars run at intervals of an hour, both ways, till a late hour. The gardens are in beautiful condition and the hotel is furnished with the choicest refreshments. A ball room will be shortly completed in the garden, when dancing will be added to the other attractions of the place. " The Bee May 17, 1844
January 8, 1840
February 21, 1842
August 21, 1841
John Hampson patented his invention, the Venetian blinds. That's right, Venetian blinds were invented in Carrollton.
Carrollton's first dedicated church, German Methodist Episcopal was erected in 1843 on the east side of Jefferson Street (Joliet) near Third (Freret). Prior to this, all religious services were held in the meeting room of the railroad depot and at private residences.
Carrollton's Catholic Orphan Asylum was founded as a branch of St. Mary's Asylum of New Orleans. The orphanage was where Catholic services were held until a church was built in 1847.
March 10, 1845
Carrollton was incorporated with an independent government through the efforts of John Hampson and other prominent Carrolltonians.
April 7, 1845
53 votes were cast in Carrollton's first mayoral election with John Hampson winning the seat. Elected councilmen were Dr. A Bein. A.C. Ives, J.B. Mason, Jacob Golstein, Charles Zeller and Solomon Cohn whom Cohn Street is named for. The first town meeting was at the home of John Hampson, which was built by pioneer Samuel Short who Short Street is named for.
August 27, 1845
The Council of Carrollton issued their first ordinance establishing the first public school. If not already enrolled in a private school, attendance was required for all white children over the age of five. The first year, only 65 students were enrolled.
Canal Avenue (S. Carrollton) was in theory opened through to where it connected to the New Basin Canal at the modern day Pontchartrain Expressway. The first man charged with the project was Solomon Cohn. Turning this road into an actual thoroughfare took years and was not easily traveled until 1862 when the road paved with shells was completed.
June 28, 1846
Town Council established Carrollton Cemetery by ordinance after purchasing the land from investor Laurent Millaudon. "...the price of of interment shall be for free grown persons five dollars, and for slaves four dollars, and for children under twelve years half the above same sums."
September 3, 1846
Timoleon LeSassier was elected as second mayor of Carrollton and passed away shortly after. Henry Mithoff was elected in his place as third mayor and was again elected as the fifth. Mithoff was Carrollton's first German mayor in a town that was rapidly becoming a destination for German immigrants.
The Carrollton census recorded 1,032 people 839 white people, 69 free people of color and 124 enslaved people.
St. Mary's Catholic Church was erected on Cambronne Street between Second (Maple) and Burthe. The congregation was a mixture of French and German Catholics. The German faction split off in 1870 and became Mater Dolorosa.
Civil Engineer Caleb G. Forshey constructed at Carrollton a hydrologic station that measured the flow of the river from 1848 to 1855 for the federal government's Mississippi Delta Survey. Forshey Street was named for him in 1851.
First Avenue (St. Charles Ave.) was cleared of the natural landscape and banquettes were installed from Lowerline to Canal Avenue (Carrollton Ave).
May 3, 1848
Carrollton's first public market was established by town ordinance and began operation on May 11th of the same year. It was located on Dublin Street between Second (Maple) and Hampson where the Dublin pocket park is today. The market was used continuously until 1916 when it was destroyed by a hurricane.
May 3, 1849
A Mississippi River levee failure resulted in flooding much of the low-lying land in Jefferson Parish and New Orleans. The break occurred in modern day River Ridge on a planation belonging to Pierre Sauvé, hence it was named Sauvé's Crevasse. This break deposited alluvial soil throughout the city, particularly in Carrollton and is one of the River floods credited with Carrollton's high elevation. The floodwaters were not contained until June 18th.
July 4, 1849
John Hampson was elected as mayor of Carrollton for a second term.
The large German Protestant faction chose a site on Zimpel Street, between Leonidas and Monroe, as a suitable place for a church of their denomination. It was constructed during the course of the year.
July 28, 1849
The first fire department in Carrollton was founded by volunteers and named Carrollton No.1. Future mayor Edward Meegel founded the company and Henry Diebel was the first president. J.H. Smiley was secretary and T. J. Ernst was foreman.
The 1850 census of Carrollton recorded 300 households and 1,386 free residents. A little over a third of the population was German immigrants.
The German Friendship League of Carrollton was founded by 38 members for, “The mutual protection, enjoyment and promoting of German customs.” Soon thereafter, the Society erected a 24-tomb brick vault in Carrollton Cemetery No. 1. The vault still stands with the symbol of two hands clasped in eternal harmony etched into stone over the center and is a main attraction of the cemetery.
June 6, 1850
The Carrollton Female Boarding School for young ladies began operating in the towns first brick building built for Louis Courval in 1836. The school was conducted by Mrs. Hamner and Mrs. Shroyer.
N. O. & C. R. R. Co. hired architects James Gallier Jr. and John Turpin to enlarge the railroad depot in the gothic revival style. The new depot was completed by spring of 1852 and torn down in the early 1890’s to make way for a new levee. It was a beauty!
Construction of the Jefferson & Lake Pontchartrain Railroad began under the supervision of John Hampson. When completed in 1853, it ran from Carrollton to Lake Pontchartrain. With both the New Orleans & Carrollton Railroad and the Jefferson & Lake Pontchartrain terminals in Carrollton, the town had another real estate boom.
Carrollton's first courthouse was erected on Canal Ave. (S. Carrollton) between Maple and Hampson streets.
Henry Mithoff was again elected as Mayor of Carrollton. Under this term, an ordinance was adopted by Council on September 1, 1851, that fixed one street name per street. Previously, many Carrollton streets were called by several names. A month later, Council decreed that any person was granted permission to cut or clear away the wood and trees on the streets.
March 29, 1851
The first newspaper in Carrollton was published by the press of Peter Souliar, named The Carrollton Star. The editorial offices were located on Levee and Cambronne streets.
"For he who takes the papers,
And pays the bill when due,
Can live in peace with God and man,
And with the printer too."
Carrollton Star, June 10, 1851, Verse by P. Souliar
October 16, 1852
The Floating Palace arrived with great excitement at the Carrollton wharf. "This morning, about 10 o'clock, this water monster will reach Carrollton, and exhibit with its celebrated circus there at 3 o'clock this afternoon, as well as to-night. Hundreds who can beg a respite from business will scramble there to get a first look, *especially as the cars will leave there to-night soon after the performance close. A trip there and back is scarcely more than a walk around the block." - Times Picayune
The Carrollton census recorded 1,885 residents of whom 126 were people held in slavery.
The summer of 1853 brought with it the worst yellow fever epidemic to ravish the Gulf Coast. 185 deaths were recorded in Carrollton, but the true number is likely higher. Carrollton was much safer from yellow fever than nearby New Orleans because of the small population, general cleanliness and plentiful fresh air.
July 2, 1853
After the neighboring city of Lafayette was annexed by New Orleans in 1852, an election was held to determine which of three towns - Carrollton, Jefferson City or Gretna should be the seat of Justice for Jefferson Parish. Carrollton won with 973 votes. Two weeks later, Jefferson Parish published that the balance of the treasury was $8,334.32.
April 1853
Grocer Edward Meegel was elected as mayor of Carrollton by a close margin of five votes. During his administration, the construction of a new and desperately needed levee was begun. Remembering the disaster of Sauvé's Crevasse in 1849, the city of New Orleans recognized the importance of the Carrollton levee for its own protection and loaned Carrollton $12,000 to build it. The engineer who surveyed and drew the plan was William H. Williams who would become Carrollton's first historian. The levee was completed in 1854 and extended along the River from modern day Monticello Street to Fern Street. Although a levee tax was collected that exceeded the amount owed to New Orleans, it was found that Mayor Meegel and four of his Council used the funds to increase their salaries. The public voted them out of office in the following election. The levee debt remained unpaid and was canceled when New Orleans annexed Carrollton in 1874.
May 11, 1853
Council granted New Orleans and Jackson Great Northern Railroad Company permission to run their line through the rear of Carrollton.
Construction of the Carrollton Courthouse began on the site of the first courthouse with plans drawn by architect Henry Howard. It was completed the following year and remains the most architecturally significant building in Carrollton.
Carrollton's small public school building was in sad state of disrepair and swelled with 180 students. Two new schoolhouses were built and named for the streets that they stand on. The Jefferson School (now Joliet street) and the Washington School (now Fern Street). Both buildings were designed by William H. Williams and built by Rochus Kollman. They survive today as private residences.
January 18, 1854
Star and Hook Ladder No. 1 Fire Company was organized under the leadership of newspaper printer Peter Souliar, grocer George Herrle and future mayor Samuel Pursell.
Reverend Thomas Peterson founded Zion Baptist Church, Carrollton's first African American church that continues to operate on the corners of Adams and Dominican streets.
First Presbyterian Church of Carrollton was erected on Burdette Street between Hampson and Second (Maple). The building was taken over by the Union Army as the local headquarters of the Freedman's Bureau after the Civil War. The Church survived through the efforts of the women of the congregation lead by Rosina Prague. The congregation moved their church to 2032 S. Carrollton in 1923 and installed a stained glass window in Rosina's honor. The church was sold to Stuart Hall School in 2014.
January 1855
Carrollton surveyor William H. Williams published a map of Carrollton and vicinity using the official street names declared by Council in 1851.
April 2, 1855
Dr. John L. Donnellan who served as councilman under Mayor Meegel was elected mayor of Carrollton. Donnellan was a native of Baltimore and remembered simply as, "a man of much kindness of disposition and conciliatory opinions." The Carrollton Courthouse was completed under his term.
March 1856
British novelist William Thackeray visited New Orleans on a lecture tour of the United States. A grand banquet was held in his honor at the Carrollton Hotel & Gardens.
April 1856
Grocer and saloon keeper Henry H. Gogreve was elected mayor of Carrollton. His home is still stands at 8025 St. Charles Avenue.
April 1857
Benjamin Mason was elected mayor of Carrollton and was instrumental in erecting the first brick street pavements located on Levee and Dublin Streets.
April 5, 1858
Benjamin Mason again ran for mayor. This election was marred by violence. A group of 20 or so armed "ruffians" comprised mostly of New Orleans police officers arrived in Carrollton that morning to ensure that Mason was elected through intimidation. Carrollton residents sued to have the election results over-turned and District Judge Victor Burthe ruled in agreement. Mason appealed to the Louisiana Supreme Court, which upheld the election finding that Carrollton residents were not proper parties since they were not candidates for office. If every citizen had the right to contest an election, more disorder would result than, “the occasional defeat of the will of the majority.” The court also observed that Benjamin Mason did not interfere with voter rights or participate in any act of violence himself.
March 17, 1859
Carrolton was incorporated as a city. The population was recorded as 1,994 whites, 195 enslaved people, 95 free people of color, and 6 African Americans in the jail.
The 1860 census of Carrollton recorded 2,832 inhabitants of whom 2,144 were white, 171 enslaved people, 60 free people of color, 7 inmates of the jail and 249 eligible voters.
The levee was enlarged and built up from Washington (Fern) to Millaudon Streets.
Archibald S. Ferth was elected mayor of Carrollton. He is credited with the first true attempt to properly pave Canal Avenue (S. Carrollton Ave.) with two inches of oyster shells and three inches of lake shells on top.
April 1860
The population of Carrollton numbered 2,776, of whom there were 99 free people of color, 237 people who were enslaved and 11 enslaved people in the jail.
April - May 1861
The Jefferson Light Guard was formed in Jefferson Parish. Following a meeting in Carrollton on April 20th, the guard marched through the city rallying support for the Confederate cause. The Jefferson Light Guard was sent to join Gen. Beauregard in battle. On May 1st fifty men gathered at the engine house of Carrollton Fire Guard No 1 to form a citizens guard for homeland protection.
June 26, 1861
Carrollton Council passed an ordinance severely restricting the movements of people held in slavery. Free people of color were required to register with the Mayor and show proof of their right to reside in Louisiana.
October 8, 1861
Authorization was given by the State of Louisiana to take over land one mile above Carrollton to establish a military camp and fortification known as Camp Carrollton or the Carrollton Battery. The following April, New Orleans fell and Union Admiral Davis Farragut took gunboats to examine the earthen fortification that had been abandoned by the Confederates. The Union Army took over the camp and later renamed it Camp Parapet, which is now a historic landmark of Jefferson Parish.
October 9, 1861
Samuel Pursell, a grocer on Dublin and Maple Streets, was elected as Mayor of Carrollton. The town was deeply in debt and with the Civil War few improvements were made in Carrollton under his first term. While under occupation of the Union Army, the October 6,1862 election was won by Chris Deibel, but he declined the position because of his loyalty to the Confederacy. A second election resulted in victory for Samuel Pursell.
The office of notary Hugh Madden in New Orleans burned down. Stored in his office were the archives of Greenbury R. Stringer that included the first map of Carrollton by Charles Zimpel as well as the original deeds of sale of Carrollton property by the investors. There are no known copies of these invaluable records.
At least two Union military camps were established in Carrollton, Camp Kearney and Camp Mansfield. More than a dozen units from seven states were stationed in Carrollton and more would join them the following year.
September 4, 1863
After his victory at Vicksburg, General Grant was compelled by Union superiors to hold a large military celebration at the Carrollton Courthouse. Grant found these sorts of fanfares terribly boring and is said to have been wildly inebriated that day. As the festivities were wrapping up, the skilled horseman hopped on the back of Shenandoah, beloved horse of General Banks who was the commandant of New Orleans. Grant drunkenly attempted to show off his skills only to end up running smack into one of the New Orleans & Carrollton Railroad cars. The horse was killed and Grant's leg was shattered. He was carried to the Carrollton Hotel were he commanded the Union Army while he recuperated before being moved to Vicksburg a week later.
October 5, 1863
Francis Charles Zeller was elected mayor of Carrollton and again in October of 1864. Under his second term, public undertakings in Carrollton were resumed. Sidewalks were paved and banquettes were curbed.
December 5, 1863
The Carrollton Times reported on the lack of activity due to the war, "There is nothing going on of any great importance except occasionally a dog fight, foot race and horse race through our streets..."
Carrollton was designated as a military district encompassing Pass Manchac, Kennerville and Bonnet Carre.
March 5, 1864
Independent No. 2 Fire Company founded by former Mayor Archibald S. Ferth and John Davenport. The volunteer company motto was, "Our Lives We Risk, Our Friends to Save." Independent No. 2 has an interesting burial mound at Carrollton Cemetery No. 1.
March 16, 1864
A building belonging to Mayor Francis Charles Zeller was one of three that caught fire. At the time, it was occupied by the Union Army and used as a hospital. According to the Carrollton Times on March 19, 1864, "...the Star Hook and Ladder Company was...called upon to place their ladders upon the building and in a short space of time the flames were extinguished." Local legend persists that the Zeller building still stands at 914 Dante and is Carrollton's only remaining Civil War landmark. The truth is that no one knows for certain if it is the same building or if was replaced by the widow of Zeller in 1885.
May 1864
John Schoebel was given permission by Council to erect a carousel of "Flying Horses" in Carrollton through the remainder of the year.
Frederick Fischer had a steam sawmill built at the foot of Carrollton Ave. and the River. The company became the largest lumber stockyard in New Orleans. The pocket park at the intersection of St. Charles and Carrollton is named Fischer Place in honor of the family.
The Firemen's Charitable Association was organized which aided the members and their families who belonged to Carrollton's three volunteer fire companies. The first president was Mayor Zeller. It was not until 1891 that the New Orleans Fire Department would be formed and firemen would be paid for their service.
April 10, 1866
The N. O. & C. R. R. Co. was leased to General Beauregard and others for the term of 25 years. The use of locomotives on the line was discontinued by the new leaseholders. New cars that were pulled by mules and horses were ordered from Philadelphia and in use on the route the following year.
October 1866
Samuel Pursell was elected to third term as Mayor of Carrollton. His inaugural address to the Council began with the desire to properly educate the children of Carrollton, which had been waylaid by the Civil War. "...I look upon that of education of our children as the first and most important; establish our public schools on a thorough and progressive basis and you will attract a population that will give character and influence to our place..." Due to lack of funds, the new central schoolhouse that he desired was not possible. Mayor Pursell also urged Council to appropriate money for schools that educated African American children. He died while in office from injuries received when kicked by an ornery mule in Jefferson City. A few months later, W.H. Williams, president of the school board, recorded the establishment of two public schools for African American children housed in Carrollton's two African American churches. The boy’s school was in the Methodist Episcopal Church on Clinton (Cherokee) and Pearl. The girl’s school was in the Zion Baptist Church on Adams Street.
Carrollton's first drainage station went into operation when what was known as the Dublin Avenue Draining Machine located on Dublin and Oleander was completed. The canal it worked once ran along Dublin Street (or Avenue) from Claiborne to Palmetto Street to where it connected with the New Basin Canal, draining water out to Lake Pontchartrain. This allowed further development of Carrollton above what is today Claiborne Avenue. The land was fertile and was used initially by French and German farmers who grew crops and operated dairies. The Dublin Canal was filled with garbage in the 1920's and closed for good enabling the area above Claiborne Avenue to be residentially developed. The only complaint from residents is that they wished the city had chosen a better caliber of trash to fill the canal because quite a stink lingered for some time.
March 9, 1867
The Ninth Calvary, an African American Regiment consisting of 844 soldiers, was ordered to Carrollton. The men were then ordered to San Antonio, Texas on March 21st where they became known as Buffalo Soldiers. One of the soldiers, First Sgt. Moses Williams was born in Carrollton and rewarded the Congressional Medal of Honor November 23, 1896.
May 8, 1867
The Times reported that 1,418 Black males of Carrollton registered to vote, compared to only 163 white males. This perceived imbalance caused many white males to respond to the Radical Republicans by flocking to the Democratic Party.
November 1867
Francis Charles Zeller was appointed by the Union Army to take the place of Samuel Pursell as Mayor and served until his death September 6, 1869. Zeller opposed capital improvements and wrote in his bleak report to the improvements council in 1868, "The city is largely in debt...Political events have caused stagnation in business...Crime and lawlessness among the Negroes controlled by reckless whites has increased...we have received but little assistance from the state during the last seven years."
April 17 1868
The elections in Carrollton ended with a riot breaking out in front of the courthouse. Nicholas Schwab, a German, was running as the Republican candidate for Jefferson Parish sheriff. According to the only record of the event in the Times Picayune, Schwab was becoming, "greatly excited as he talked among the negroes, he at last drew a pistol and brandished it about in a threatening manner." Being observed by deputy sheriffs and police, Schwab was arrested and taken to the jail within the courthouse. In an instant, the crowd of Black voters, "rallied and made a determined attempt to rescue the prisoner from the hands of the officers." The crowd quickly dispersed when a gun shot rang out. An unidentified Black voter was shot in the jaw by a white officer and and later died from the wound. Rumors of, "vengeance against the whites" ran wild through Carrollton until the military was called in to patrol Carrollton throughout the night. Schwab was released from jail before the votes that elected him as Sheriff were counted.
The census recorded a total of 4,395 residents. 1,665 males, 1,766 females, 41 orphans, 4 Catholic nuns and 19 prisoners. 739 men were registered to vote.
May 19, 1869
Council approved a Catholic Cemetery that became St. Mary's Cemetery. The name changed again to Carrollton Cemetery No. 2 in 1921 when it became property of the city of New Orleans.
October 4, 1869
Theodore Meeks was elected mayor of Carrollton by all but one vote. The Times Picayune described him as an industrious and honest merchant and a staunch Union man, "the first one in the city of New Orleans to raise the Stars and Stripes on the granite wall of the Custom House when the city fell in 1862." The first steps toward merging Carrollton with New Orleans started under his term when the City of New Orleans stripped Carrollton of its right to govern their own police force. Meeks is regarded as the father of the shell road that is today St. Charles Avenue running from the lower boundary of Carrollton at Lowerline Street to where it ends at the levee. On January 14, 1870, he was authorized by city council to contract 12,000 barrels of shells for the job.
Republican Dewitt Bisbee, was elected Mayor of Carrollton. The previous year he had been appointed as sheriff of Jefferson Parish by Governor Warmoth. Under Mayor Bisbee, the paving of the sidewalks was begun generally throughout Carrollton. It was partly though his influence that gas was introduced to Carrollton in 1872 by a main connected with the Sixth District plant in 1872.
The German faction of the now defunct St. Mary's Church split from the French congregation and formed Mater Dolorosa on the corner of Cambronne and Burthe Streets. Mater Dolorosa was built at its present site on Carrollton Avenue in 1909.
The public Market on Dublin Street had fallen into disarray. Complaints about the quality of wares and cleanliness were numerous. By 1871, Council knew something had to be done, but there was no money to make improvements. Frederick Fischer stepped in and funded a new market that was built by John P. Hecker.
October 1870
October 3, 1871
Gilbert J. Harrison greeted his joyful constituents on the steps of the Carrollton Courthouse, but the triumph of the community who elected him Mayor was short lived. He ran on the Republican ticket and won by 96 votes making him one of the first African American men to be elected Mayor in the history of the country. Ten days later, Harrison resigned under mysterious circumstances without starting his term. The town was thrown into chaos when Governor Warmoth quickly appointed a Republican lawyer and councilman Zuinglius McKay to the position. The decree without a new election was a bitter disappointment to Carrolltonians who accused Warmoth of orchestrating the plan with McKay in his pocket. The election of Harrison is the last in which the citizens of Carrollton went through the motions of casting their votes. McKay and the last mayor of Carrollton, Albert G. Brice were appointed by Governor Warmoth. Carrollton historian Wilton P. Ledet wrote, "His [McKay] administration shows no new undertakings worth mentioning."
March 1873
Albert G. Brice appointed Mayor of Carrollton by Governor Warmoth. This was an honorary title as Brice had no real power because plans to absorb Carrollton into New Orleans were already in motion. Even his lengthy obituary in 1912 does not mention that he was at one time Mayor of Carrollton.
November 17, 18 ,19, 1873
The Louisiana State Colored Mens Convention was held at the Carrollton Courthouse. The convention passed a resolution thanking the national Republican Party for, "the progress made by our race since their enfranchisement, and despite the terrible disabilities imposed upon them by years of bondage." U.S. Senator and former acting Governor of Louisiana P.B.S. Pinchback was the keynote speaker. Pinchback remains the only African American to have served as Governor of Louisiana.
With the annexation of Carrollton by New Orleans looming, council began contracting public works projects with no regard for costs since New Orleans would soon have to foot the bill. Construction of Carrollton's first fire wells began, twenty-five in all and the charge was lead by Council member Henry Tebbe. Several blocks received their first brick pavements and banquette curbs were contracted on Burthe, Burdette and Leonidas streets. The projects were completed and paid for after annexation.
February 1874
Carrollton’s German American School opened on the corner of Madison (Dante) and Third (Freret). Due to anti-German hysteria at the onset of WW1, the school closed. It then became of meeting hall where the Seventh District Carnival Club was formed in 1923. The club evolved into the Krewe of Carrollton that parades through the streets of New Orleans to this day.
March 23, 1874
The controversial bill annexing Carrollton by the city of New Orleans passed through the state legislature. Henceforth, the city of Carrollton became known as the Seventh District of New Orleans. Three days later, Mayor Wiltz of New Orleans and his delegation rode to the Carrollton Courthouse where the archives and property of Carrollton were ceremoniously handed over by former Mayor Brice. The men celebrated with toasts to the future success.

Carrollton, as a town, has ceased to exist. Her identity and individuality are absorbed in the great body of her former parent city. Her history, from this forth, ceases as an independent story, since hereafter, she can only be known as an appendage to New Orleans. We cannot but feel some regrets for the loss of our independence; yet, we accept, without dissatisfaction, the change that has identified our future career with that of our great metropolis. The transition, it is true, was not sought nor desired by the great body of our citizens, and the advantages and disadvantages it may bring, form a question to be left to the future. But the consolidation being now a matter accomplished, we yield to the new situation without complaint, content to be a faithful and dutiful member of the great family of former municipalities to which we now belong, and trusting that the future of Carrollton, as one with the future of New Orleans, may be prosperous, honorable and happy.

-The History of Carrollton,
William H. Williams
July 4, 1876